

  • 职  称:青年太阳城赌场官方网站研究员
  • 联系电话:
  • 邮  箱:mijd@muerren.net;mijiandui@163.com

甘肃静宁人,中共党员。兰州大学生态学博士 (澳洲CSIRO联合培养)。主要太阳城赌场官方网站研究领域:(1)畜禽微生物组,重点关注:1、畜禽肠道微生物(细菌、古菌、真菌和病毒等)对于环境的响应及其对宿主健康的影响机制;2、抗性组与畜禽微生物组(潜在致病菌)的关系及其形成与传播的生态学机制(包括病毒组),为防控畜禽养殖过程中耐药及病原菌的传播提供支撑,减少对人类健康、环境污染和生物安全的威胁。(2)畜禽养殖业废弃物无害化处理与资源化利用。主持国家自然科学基金等各类项目9项。在《npj Biofilms and Microbiomes》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》和《Environmental Pollution》等杂志发表科研论文27篇。





个人专长:熟悉二代微生物测序建库,16S rRNA测序、宏基因组、转录组和病毒组的生信分析与数据挖掘。











  1. Zhang T. #, Zhang S. Y. #, Zhu R., Zhao M. X., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Liao X. D., Wu Y B. *, Mi J. D. *, (2022). Distribution and driving factors of antibiotic resistance genes in treated wastewater from different types of livestock farms. Science of the Total Environment. 849: 157837. (SCI2021= 10.753, II)
  2. Zhang Y., Zhang S. Y., Yuan Y. L., Li Y., Zhu R., Yang Y. W., Xing S. C., Wang Y., Wu Y. B., Liao X. D. *, Mi J. D.*, (2022). Metagenomic assembly reveals the circadian oscillations of the microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes in a model of laying hens. Science of the Total Environment. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155692. (SCI2021= 10.753, II)
  3. Chen W., Ma J. Y., Jiang Y. M., Lv N., Gao J. M., Deng L., Cheng J., Liang J. B., Wang Y., Lan T., Liao X. D. *, Mi J. D.*, (2022). Selective maternal seeding and rearing environment from birth to weaning shape the developing piglet gut microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.795101. (SCI2021=6.064, II)
  4. Zhang Y. #, Sun L. #, Zhu R., Zhang S. Y., Liu S., Wang Y., Wu Y. B., Xing S. C., Liao X. D.*, Mi J. D.*, (2022). Porcine gut microbiota in mediating host metabolic adaptation to cold stress. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. doi : 10.1038/s41522-022-00283-2. (SCI2021=7.290, I)
  5. Ding Z. T., Mi J. D., Zhou J. W., Ke W. C., Guo X. S.*, (2022). Characterization of the microbial community compositions and diversities in the traditional fermented yak milk from different ecotopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. LWT-Food Science and Technology. (SCI2021=4.952, I)
  6. Yang Y. W. #, Chen N. X. #, Sun L., Zhang Y., Wu Y. B., Wang Y., Liao X. D.*, Mi J. D.*, (2021). Short-term cold stress can reduce the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in the cecum and feces in a pig model. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 416: 125868. (SCI2021=10.588, I)
  7. Xing S. C., Chen J. Y., Cai Y. F., Huang C. B., Liao X. D., Mi J. D.*, (2021). Bacillus coagulans R11 consumption influenced the abundances of cecum antibiotic resistance genes in lead-exposed laying hens. Environmental Pollution. 274: 0-116562. (SCI2021= 8.071, I)
  8. Zhang Y., Sun L., Zhu R., Zhang S. Y., Liu S., Wang Y., Wu Y. B., Liao X. D.*, Mi J. D.*, (2021). Absence of circadian rhythm in fecal microbiota of laying hens under common light. Animals. (11): 2065. (SCI2021= 2.752, II)
  9. Huang J. L. #, Mi J. D. #, Yan Q. F., Wen X., Zhou S. Z., Wang Y., Ma B. H., Zou Y. D., Liao X. D., Wu Y. B.*, (2021). Animal manures application increases the abundances of antibiotic resistance genes in soil-lettuce system associated with shared bacterial distributions. Science of The Total Environment. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147667. (SCI2021= 7.963, II)
  10. Xing S. C. #, Huang C. B. #, Wu R. T., Yang Y. W., Chen J. Y., Mi J. D., Wu Y. B., Wang Y., Liao, X. D.*, (2021). Breed differences in the expression levels of gga-miR-222a in laying hens influenced H2S production by regulating methionine synthase genes in gut bacteria. Microbiome. 9:117. (SCI2021= 14.652, I)
  11. Huang X. D. #, Mi J. D.#, Denman S. E., Basangwangdui, Pingduozhandui, Zhang Q.*, Long R. J.*, McSweeney C. S., (2021). Changes in rumen microbial community composition in yak in response to seasonal variations. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 00:1-14. (SCI2021= 3.772, III)
  12. Mi J. D., Wang H. L., Chen X. H., Hartcher K., Wang Y., Wu Y. B., Liao X. D.*, (2020). Lack of access to an open water source for bathing inhibited the development of the preen gland and preening behavior in Sanshui White ducks. Poultry Science. 99(11): 5214-5221. (SCI2021= 3.352, II)
  13. Sun L.#, Zhang Y.#, Chen W., Lan T., Wang Y., Wu Y. B., Liao X. D.*, Mi J. D.*, (2020). The dynamic changes of gut microbiota during the perinatal period in sows. Animals. 10(12): 0-2254. (SCI2021= 2.752, II)
  14. Xing S. C. #, Mi J. D.#, Chen J. Y., Hu J. X., Liao X. D.*, (2020). Metabolic activity of Bacillus coagulans R11 and the health benefits of and potential pathogen inhibition by this species in the intestines of laying hens under lead exposure. Science of The Total Environment. 709: 134507. (SCI2021= 7.963, II)
  15. Mi J. D., Peng H. Y., Wu Y. B., Wang Y., Liao X. D.*, (2019). Diversity and community of methanogensin the large intestine of finishing pigs. BMC Microbiology. doi.org/10.1186/s12866-019-1459-x. (SCI2020= 2.989, III)
  16. Mi J. D., Chen X., Liao X. D.*, (2019). Screening of single or combined administration of 9 probiotics to reduceammonia emissions from laying hens. Poultry Science. doi.org/10.3382/ps/pez138. (SCI2020= 2.659, II)
  17. Xing S. C. #, Mi J. D. #, Chen J. Y., Xiao L., Wu Y. B., Liang J. B., Zhang L. H.*, Liao X. D.*, (2019). The metabolism and morphology mutation response of probiotic Bacillus coagulans for lead stress. Science of the Total Environment. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.296. (SCI2020= 6.551, II)
  18. Yang Y. W., Mi J. D., Liang J. D., Liao X. D., Ma B. H., Zou Y. D., Wang Y., Liang J. B., Wu Y B.*, (2019). Changes in the carbon metabolism of Escherichia coli during the evolution of doxycycline resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02506. (SCI2020= 4.234, II)
  19. Wen X., Mi J. D., Wang Y., Ma B. H., Zou Y. D., Liao X. D., Liang J. B., Wu Y. B.*, (2019). Occurrence and contamination profiles of antibiotic resistance genes from swine manure to receiving environments in Guangdong Province southern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 173: 96-102. (SCI2020= 4.872, II)
  20. Yan Q. F., Li X. Y., Ma B. H., Zou Y. D., Wang Y., Liao X. D., Liang J. B., Mi J. D.*, Wu Y. B.*, (2018). Different concentrations of doxycycline in swine manure affect the microbiome and 太阳城赌场 of doxycycline residue in soil. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.03129. (SCI2019= 4.259, II)
  21. Chen W., Mi J. D., Lv N., Gao J. M., Cheng J., Wu R. T., Ma J. Y., Lan T., Liao X. D.*, (2018). Lactation stage-dependency of the sow milk microbiota. Frontiner in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00945. (SCI2019= 4.259, II)
  22. Liu L. Y., Mi J. D., Wang Y., Zou Y. D., Ma B. H., Liao X. D., Liang J. B., Wu Y. B.*, (2017). Different methods of incorporating ciprofloxacin in soil affect microbiome and 太阳城赌场 of ciprofloxacin residue. Science of Total Environment. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.133. (SCI2019= 4.589, II)
  23. Mi J. D., Zhou J. W., Ding L. M., Long R. J.*, (2015). Short communication: Changes in the composition of yak colostrum during the first week of lactation. Journal of Dairy Science. doi:10.3168/jds.2015-9824. (SCI2017= 4.474, II)
  24. Mi J. D., Zhou J. W., Huang X. D., Long R. J.*, (2017). Lower methane emissions from yak compared with cattle in Rusitec fermenters. PloS One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0170044. (SCI2018= 2.776, III)
  25. Zhou J. W., Mi J. D., Titgemeyer E. C., Guo X. S., Ding L. M., Wang H. C., Qiu Q., Li Z. P., Long R. J.*, (2015). A comparison of nitrogen utilization and urea metabolism between Tibetan and fine-wool sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 93(6):3006-17. (SCI2017= 1.863, II)
  26. Zhou J. W., Mi J. D., Degen A., Guo X. S., Wang H. C., Ding L. M., Qiu Q., Long R. J.*, (2015). Apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance in Tibetan and fine-wool sheep offered forage-concentrate diets differing in nitrogen concentration. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 1-11. (SCI2017= 1.291, III)
  27. 米见对, 廖新悌, 周建伟, 王惟惟, 龙瑞军*, (2019). 反刍动物瘤胃微生物的建立过程与调控太阳城赌场官方网站研究进展家畜生态学报, 040(007): 1-8.(中文核心)
  28. 米见对, 王燕, 吴银宝*, (2019). 《太阳城集团博彩》课程体系的初步构建家畜生态学报, 40(08): 99-102. (中文核心)
  29. 鲍麒, 梁华锦, 陶婧婧, 吴银宝, 米见对*, (2019). 菊粉与丁酸钠对育肥猪氨气的减排效果分析家畜生态学报, 40(012): 70-74. (中文核心)
  30. 米见对, 郭旭生, 周建伟, 辛国省, 张莹, 朱玉环, 龙瑞军*, (2011). 日粮氮水平对牦牛瘤胃发酵参数和氮组分的影响. 中国农业科学, 44(22): 4678-4686. (中文核心)


发明专利:一种畜禽养殖用复配垫料及其制备方法和畜禽异位发酵床;发明人:米见对、张宇、廖新俤、蓝天、朱靖雄;授权日期:2022215日,授权公告号:CN 112640798 B.